
HSPC defeats OBA in Tokyo Petanque League

After an initial away draw against Aoyama in the Tokyo Petanque League, HSPC took on Okubo Boules Association (OBA) on Saturday, Sept. 22, on our home piste at Myoshoji Park.

The blistering weather made the ground crusty and inconsistent but a few cold ales smoothed the most important surface and HSPC fared well, with the teams of Bob and Raj and Steve and Greg winning all eight games.

The full results were:

Harrell-Mettam 13-4 Di Pietro-Hagans
Witmer-Shastri 13-5 Di Dunnam-Yoshikawa
Harrell-Mettam 13-8 Dunnam-Yoshikawa
Witmer-Shastri 13-0 Di Pietro-Hagans
Harrell-Mettam 13-12 Di Pietro-Yoshikawa
Witmer-Shastri 13-2 Dunnam-Hagans
Harrell-Mettam 13-9 Dunnam-Hagans
Witmer-Shastri 13-10 Di Pietro-Yoshikawa

After the dust settled, HSPC retreated to the tranquil setting of Greg's backyard for an impromptu celebratory BBQ, with the beers and snores (of one member!) lasting till well into the morning hours.

Well done guys.

For further details on the league see Tokyo Petanque League

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